Have you ever wondered why Bernie Madoff thought he could brazenly steal his clients' money? Or why investors were so easily duped by Elizabeth Holmes? Or how courageous people like Jeffrey Wigand are willing to become whistleblowers and put their careers on the line?
Fraud is everywhere, from Nigerian "princes," embezzlers, and Ponzi schemers to corporate giants like Enron and Volkswagen. And fraud is costly. Each year, consumers, small businesses, governments, and corporations lose trillions of dollars to financial crime.
We're so accustomed to hearing about fraud that our abilities to identify it and speak about it are limited.
No more. In Fool Me Once, renowned forensic accounting expert Kelly Richmond Pope shows fraud in action, uncovering what makes perps tick, victims so gullible, and whistleblowers so morally righteous, while also encouraging us to look at our own behaviors and motivations in the hope of protecting ourselves and our companies.
By the time you finish this book, you'll have a better understanding of—and perhaps even compassion for—perpetrators, a renewed connection to victims, and an appreciation for those who blow the whistle.


Using a data analytics approach, Managerial Accounting shows you how to gather, process and prepare useful information to assist management with key operational and strategic decisions.
The 1st Edition seamlessly blends relevant, real-world company examples and interactive exercises with compelling videos. You'll see firsthand how actual entrepreneurs analyze data and use emerging technologies to make business decisions, helping you gain a deeper appreciation for how accounting data is used today throughout all aspects of business.
Ever wonder what makes a white-collar criminal tick? Why does she or he do what they do? For the first time ever, see the mind of the fraudster laid bare, including their sometimes twisted rationalizations; think like a crook to catch a crook! Understand how the psychologies of fraudsters and their victims interact as well as what makes auditors/investigators/regulators let down their guard. Learn about the psychology of fraud victims, including boards of directors and senior management, and what makes them want to believe fraudsters, and therefore making them particularly vulnerable to deception. Just as IT experts gave us computer forensics, we now have a uniquely qualified team immersed in psychology, sociology, psychiatry as well as accounting and auditing, introducing the emerging field of behavioral forensics to address the phenomenon of fraud.
"Over the past four months, I have visited business schools, interviewed faculty, staff and students and truly learned what a successful diversity program looks like. It has been an amazing opportunity to witness first-hand the passion exhibited at the schools profiled in this white paper. When tasked with developing a white paper on diversity, I wanted to take a unique approach. The market is inundated with white papers. My goal was to not only develop a white paper but also to allow you to experience the various universities highlighted. After reading this white paper, I encourage you to experience these universities by viewing the accompanying documentary series entitled Diversity: Why It Matters.
Diversity: Why It Matters profiles four innovative business schools that are facilitating diverse programs. These programs can serve as best-in-class examples for any business school interested in advancing a successful diversity program."