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Trailer: All The Queen's Horses
Watch All The Queen's Horses complete movie trailer.
How People Rationalize Fraud
How Whistle-blowers Shape History
Explained: Money Laundering
Ever wonder how criminals are able to use stolen money without the government catching on? Kelly Pope, a forensic accountant breaks down the ins and outs about how criminals "clean" their stolen cash.
The Rita Crundwell Case
Chicago Tonight
Spotting Fraud and Red Flags
Graduation - Featured Speaker
Introduction to Financial Accounting
Numbers tell amazing stories, and if you have the tools to pull out those stories, it’s like a superpower.” - Professor Kelly Richmond Pope
Outlier’s Intro to Financial Accounting is unlike any numbers-based course you’ve ever taken: you’ll use true crime tales to decode accounting practices that lie at the heart of every business, and learn powerful financial tools to see the story and balance the books on your own.
Outlier’s Intro to Financial Accounting is unlike any numbers-based course you’ve ever taken: you’ll use true crime tales to decode accounting practices that lie at the heart of every business, and learn powerful financial tools to see the story and balance the books on your own.
CNBC Super Heist, Episode 1
The best bank robbers in American history hatch an ingenious plan to take down a sleepy California bank rumored to hide a 30 million dollar Nixon slush fund – sparking the biggest FBI manhunt since the Kennedy assassination.
CNBC Super Heist, Episode 2
Four clean-cut college students risk it all to become super-thieves - targeting 12 million in rare books in a brash daylight heist that baffles the cops hunting them.
CNBC Super Heist, Episode 2
A model bank employee pulls off the second biggest cash heist in history when he stuffs a work van with 17 Million in untraceable cash and flees to Mexico – only to be betrayed by his partners when greed fuels a murder plot.
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